EEUU: Salute to Idaho Agriculture: Potato acreage up 12%
BURLEY, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) — The Idaho Farm Bureau noted a twelve percent increase in the amount of potato farming acreage in 2023 compared to 2022, mostly due to higher farm-level prices.
BURLEY, Idaho (KMVT/KSVT) — The Idaho Farm Bureau noted a twelve percent increase in the amount of potato farming acreage in 2023 compared to 2022, mostly due to higher farm-level prices.
Zum dritten Mal in Folge wird die Ernte unterdurchschnittlich ausfallen. Erste Produzenten denken bereits ans Aufgeben.
Most European countries are experiencing a shortage of potatoes due to the cool spring and dry summer,,,
Les prix des pommes de terre de transformation européennes ont continué à baisser par rapport aux records atteints en juillet, alors que des volumes croissants de pommes de terre de nouvelle récolte sont entrés sur le marché.
Nog twee weken en het Poolse seizoen voor nieuwe aardappelen is weer voorbij.
The Ukrainian Association of Potato Producers (UAPP) estimates the potato harvest in 2022 at 16.6 million tons from cultivation areas of approximately 1 million hectares.
The Canadian Potato Council (CPC) is pleased that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has completed its investigation in Prince Edward Island.
At the 2023 Potato Business Summit earlier this year, Cedric Porter, the editor of World Potato Markets, offered a comprehensive overview of the European and global potato market dynamics.