China: Potato experts warn UK at risk of being ’overtaken’ in spud tech race
Experts at the James Hutton Institute say countries like China could leave us behind.
Experts at the James Hutton Institute say countries like China could leave us behind.
The overall potato market is looking solid heading toward Scotland’s lifting season according to commentators in the sector.
Le prix des pommes de terre flambe. Il revient souvent à plus de 2 euros le kilo, soit plus cher que d’autres légumes. En raison d’une récolte désastreuse en 2022, les stocks sont au plus bas.
Quest’anno sarà di ben 50 centesimi al chilo il prezzo minimo di riferimento per la commercializzazione delle patate emiliano-romagnole di Prima Qualità.
Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Experts and market leaders have given a viewpoint as to why large dealers in Irish potato products in Uganda feed their customers on imported potatoes, even when there seem to be plenty grown locally.
The potato, a humble yet indispensable vegetable, holds a special place in the hearts of millions worldwide.
Aardappels poten met de New Holland T6020 met erachter een getrokken Grimme GL430-vierrijer.
Celková úroda brambor v Česku bude nižší než loni. Výnosy ovlivnilo sucho. Například jihočeští pěstitelé proto avizují zdražení této zeleniny.