EEUU: Protect Your Potato Crops During Heat Waves
Potatoes in the Columbia Basin of Washington average some of the highest yields in the world. Many aspects of the region’s climate, however, are far from ideal for growing potatoes.
Potatoes in the Columbia Basin of Washington average some of the highest yields in the world. Many aspects of the region’s climate, however, are far from ideal for growing potatoes.
Producers of the "Pfälzer Grumbeere" draw a positive balance of this year’s early potato harvest.
Outbreaks of late blight are springing up in potato crops across the country following an unusually wet July and early August. Fortunately, EU_43_A1 has yet to be found in the samples analysed, but growers must remain vigilant.
Steiermark - Erdäpfelsalat, Braterdäpfel, Erdäpfelpuffer, Erdäpfelknödel: Die Liste der Kartoffel-Klassiker der heimischen Küche ist schier endlos.
Scotland’s seed potato industry is at a crucial point, facing challenges that demand a united and collaborative approach, according to a recent report by Kelly Henaughen.
Il reste encore deux semaines avant que la campagne polonaise de pommes de terre ne s’achève.
La coltura delle patate si sta rivelando sempre più strategica per Apofruit, con una crescita delle liquidazioni e delle superfici coltivate anche nel 2023.
Kai Rops laat half augustus in het Flevolandse Ens een perceel Fontane fritesaardappelen rooien. De jonge boer teelt de aardappelen samen met een goede vriend, Robin van de Putte. Voor het eerst verbouwen ze de aardappelen.