Bélgica: Évaluation des stocks belges de pommes de terre, la proportion de libre dans les stocks globaux de pommes de
La proportion de libre dans les stocks globaux de pommes de terre est supérieure aux années récentes
La proportion de libre dans les stocks globaux de pommes de terre est supérieure aux années récentes
The report, titled “Potato Market Information Review 2023-2024“, was prepared by the Crops and Horticulture Division, Horticulture Section of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists are working on a new research project to fight plant diseases transmitted by psyllid insects — particularly the zebra chip disease, which has impacted potato production for decades.
L’année 2023 a été le révélateur de l’équilibre fragile sous-tendant l’approvisionnement en plants certifiés de pomme de terre pour les producteurs français.
After getting a lucrative price last year, farmers are expecting a bumper potato output in Rangpur agriculture region where early varieties of potato have already appeared in local markets with rewarding prices.
China’s climate-resistant potatoes weigh only about 0.13 kg, just half the weight of the average potato in the country.
The economic impact of these losses was significant, prompting the researchers to advocate for the continuation of high-resolution spatial modeling to accurately gauge and address the issue.
Estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicate a projected production of 417 million hundredweight (cwt) of potatoes in 2024 for the $100 billion potato industry.