Technology: Turn every harvest into maximum value with the AI potato grader (Video)
Every grower and packer dreams of ideal growing conditions for perfect quality potatoes. Of course, the reality remains that quality changes every season.
Every grower and packer dreams of ideal growing conditions for perfect quality potatoes. Of course, the reality remains that quality changes every season.
Una fuerte granizada azotó el día lunes la provincia de Lampa, afectando gran cantidad de hectáreas de campos de cultivo.
En la pasada gestión, el Gobierno invirtió más de Bs 101 millones para impulsar y fomentar al sector.
La papa es el principal cultivo hortícola del país; es el segundo en importancia de entrada al mercado mayorista atrás de la banana, tanto en volumen como monto.
El Grupo de Polímeros de la Universidad de Burgos coordina el proyecto europeo POMATO, que busca fórmulas para prevenir los ataques de ‘Clavibacter sepedonicus’ y ‘Ralstonia solanacearum’ en patata y tomate.
crop.zone is pleased to announce a new distribution partnership with genAG, a trusted provider of specialized agricultural equipment in Manitoba, Canada.
Potatoes SA has warned against panic over potato supply amid a year of adverse weather. In 2024, potatoes reached record-high prices as black frost in Limpopo and drought in the Free State curtailed harvests towards the end of winter.
2024 has been a good year for the potato sector. So much so, that there is growing interest in potato cultivation, to the detriment of other crops.