Kenia: Boost for potato farmers in Migori as Sh110 million processing plant opens doors
Potato farmers in Migori County have received a major boost following the establishment of a Sh110 million sweet potato processing plant.
Potato farmers in Migori County have received a major boost following the establishment of a Sh110 million sweet potato processing plant.
Potato prices in the mults have jumped by as much as 100% on last year’s levels, research by The Grocer has found.
De gewasmonitoringscommissie JRC van de Europese Commissie verlaagt de opbrengstraming voor aardappelen in de Europese Unie. Vooral België en Nederland kregen lagere verwachtingen in vergelijking met de voorspelling van vorige maand.
Demand and consumption have levelled off with consumers turning to salads in the warmer weather, however, sales are reported to be strong for Queens,,
Le Maroc dispose d’une structure de production de pommes de terre très bien organisée, mais le pays dépend toujours fortement des importations de semences.
De Duitse beschikbaarheid van vroege aardappelen is sterk toegenomen. Ook het aanbod uit Frankrijk steeg.
A new technology, based on a 3-D camera system, is helping potato growers to identify the size and weight of a tuber at exact locations within a field.
La sécheresse persiste dans l’Oise et les nouvelles mesures de restriction de l’utilisation de l’eau touchent plusieurs secteurs dans les zones placées en état de "crise".