China: Frozen French Fry Exports Exceed Imports
Fresh potato production for MY 2022/23 (September to August) is forecast at 93 million metric tons (MMT), a small decrease from the estimated 95 MMT produced in MY 2021/22 owing to reduced acreage.
Fresh potato production for MY 2022/23 (September to August) is forecast at 93 million metric tons (MMT), a small decrease from the estimated 95 MMT produced in MY 2021/22 owing to reduced acreage.
GB Potatoes, the new industry body which aims to represent the views of the potato sector and champion British produce, is calling for more growers and processors to join the not-for-profit organisation.
The UK potato sector has been going through a better spell this year, but it did take a long time for the potato shortage to feed back to growers as there was still crop from the previous year on the market and the prices didn’t increase until around
Potatoes prices have reached record levels for the year and are trading at 77% higher than a year ago. This week, the prices again increased, reaching R81,67/10kg, Johnny van der Merwe, managing director of AM Trends, reported.
Zájem o pěstování brambor se v Česku dlouhodobě snižuje. V roce 2022 zemědělci bramborami osázeli jen 21 680 hektarů. V uplynulých letech se změnila i spotřeba a chování zákazníků.
Met de huidige temperaturen en neerslag hebben de aardappelen de groei te pakken. Wel worden er een stuk minder knollen van een plant geteld dan afgelopen jaar. Dit seizoen lijkt een gemiddelde opbrengst het maximaal haalbare.
The North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) reports a preliminary increase in the area of ware potatoes by 2 to 3 percent, a figure slightly higher than the record area in 2020.
Le ministère de l’Agriculture étudie la possibilité de lever l’interdiction d’exporter des pommes de terre vers les pays africains, imposée en février dernier pour protéger le marché intérieur.