Colombia: CAR halts potato cultivation in Cogua protected area
The area was being prepared for potato cultivation, which could compromise valuable ecosystems in the region.
The area was being prepared for potato cultivation, which could compromise valuable ecosystems in the region.
The first production and marketing trials of ‘potato-turned rice,’ a rice-shaped starch product created from potatoes using a novel processing technique, are being conducted in Yunnan Province in southwest China.
Miglioramento delle produzioni, tecniche a basso impatto ambientale, investimenti per affrontare le conseguenze del cambiamento climatico e per posizionarsi in maniera strategica sui mercati.
Although Belgium is "only" fifth in Europe in terms of potato production, it has grown in a few decades to become the largest exporter of processed potato products in the world.
A state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) program can forecast the likelihood that seed potatoes will develop into robust potato plants.
Improved production, low environmental impact techniques, investments to address the consequences of climate change and to position ourselves strategically on the markets.
Dr. Wojciech Nowacki from the Polish Potato Association provided insights into the future of potato cultivation in Poland, emphasizing the importance of the 2024 cultivation data. In 2024
According to Datassential’s MenuTrends data, potatoes continued to be a major menu item in 2024, showing up on over eight out of ten menus in the U.S.