Bélgica: The country famous for its fries records the lowest potato yield per hectare in 5 years
Belgium is one of the leaders in the potato sector. However, its farmers, like Polish producers and processors, face many challenges.
Belgium is one of the leaders in the potato sector. However, its farmers, like Polish producers and processors, face many challenges.
New potato plantings are on track in the southern Spanish province of Seville, where Nevado e Hijos has already planted 60% of its approximately 400 hectares.
For over a decade, OnionBusiness.com has served the onion industry. When it launched, the intent was to take the story of onions beyond the fields.
Regiones de Paraná ya se acercan al final de la cosecha
Productores venden papa Canchan, Única y Yungay a más de S/ 0.70 céntimos por kilo en mercados mayoristas.
Every grower and packer dreams of ideal growing conditions for perfect quality potatoes. Of course, the reality remains that quality changes every season.
Del total de las 100 Ha. de la superficie de este cultivo que permanecen en las fincas de cultivo en LLanada Alavesa por el exceso de agua en el tramo final de 2024 y ahora Agroseguro solo quiere pagar el 30% de la producción que está podrida.
Regiões paranaenses já se aproximam do final da safra