Mali: Pomme de terre : La fin de saison accentue la flambée des prix
Apres 7 mois d’approvisionnement des marchés locaux, la pomme de terre cultivée à Sikasso se fait rare sur les étals des commerçants.
Apres 7 mois d’approvisionnement des marchés locaux, la pomme de terre cultivée à Sikasso se fait rare sur les étals des commerçants.
OCSA president Janardan Sahoo said that arranging about Rs 52 lakh for the programme was not a tough job for the Agriculture department which has sufficient funds for the area expansion programme.
The production cost of potatoes nearly doubled this year in comparison to last year due to an increase in prices of potato seeds, fertiliser and irrigation, raising concerns about a further increase in retail prices of the tuber.
Refugio Sanchez scoops potatoes at the head of a conveyor system that delivers tons of potatoes to waiting trucks at the Amstad storage facility in Hermiston, Ore.LYNN KETCHUM/OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY
Oui, les suppléments à base de fécule de pomme de terre pourraient être une solution contre les complications des greffes de moelle osseuse, en empêchant le développement de la maladie du greffon contre l’hôte.
Meno produzione, ma prezzi soddisfacenti. Si può riassumere così la stagione delle patate della provincia di Verona, prima in Veneto per investimenti con 1.700 ettari sui circa 3.500 regionali, seguita da Vicenza (500 ettari) e Padova (500 ettari).
Namibia’s annual inflation rate stood at 6,0% year on year (y/y) in October, increasing from the 5,4% y/y rate recorded in September.
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