Información Técnica: Top Necrosis o Marchitez Apical en papa
El TSWV es un virus de distribución mundial que puede afectar a más de 1000 plantas entre especies hortícolas, malezas, ornamentales y cultivos extensivos.
El TSWV es un virus de distribución mundial que puede afectar a más de 1000 plantas entre especies hortícolas, malezas, ornamentales y cultivos extensivos.
El calor podría afectar la producción en las próximas semanas
Since Pakistan’s establishment in 1947, where potato cultivation was confined to a minimal area with an annual production below 30,000 tonnes, the crop has witnessed a remarkable transformation.
There is a good crop of good-quality potatoes coming from the Red River Valley in North Dakota for 2024. "The yield seems to be about average to above average," says David Moquist of O.C. Schulz & Sons.
La sostenibilità economico-finanziaria della coltivazione della patata è a rischio per la presenza e i danni generati dagli elateridi.
Following a period of hot weather, potato consumption has seen a decline over the past week.
In Belarus, potato harvesting is currently in full swing, utilizing every available day of good weather to ensure a high quantity and quality yield.
The progress of potato harvesting in Manitoba, Canada, is experiencing a slow start, with only 15-20% of the crops harvested as reported by Dr. Vikram Bisht, a Potato and Horticulture Crop Pathologist at Manitoba Agriculture.