India: Potato cultivation is incredibly important
The cultivation of potatoes is a significant agricultural activity in India, with several states contributing immensely to its production.
The cultivation of potatoes is a significant agricultural activity in India, with several states contributing immensely to its production.
A new study challenges the common theory that the devastating potato blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans originated in Mexico.
Le prix des pommes de terre de conservation a atteint 600 euros la tonne sur le marché libre. Le record de l’an dernier est égalé. Le prix du cornet de frites pourrait-il augmenter dans les mois qui viennent?
It finally looks like the warmer weather we’ve been looking for is on its way. Five weeks of cold, sharp winds have not been conducive to growth.
The production of potato crops in the western countryside of Daraa province, southern Syria, has dropped to about half of the spring cycle season.
The global processed potatoes market is poised for a remarkable expansion, with an anticipated growth of USD 45 billion from 2024 to 2028, according to a recent report by Technavio.
Contenu proposé par La Pomme de terre française] Dans une déclaration conjointe publiée le 28 mai, une coalition d’organisations européennes agricoles de la filière pomme de terre (1) réclame à l’exécutif européen et aux colégislateurs un
Sans surprise, l’Égypte se positionne dans le secteur de l’exportation de pommes de terre comme le leader africain.