Viernes 14 de Marzo de 2025
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 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 04/02/2025

Spain (A Mariña): Trabada residents can plant potatoes again

The Ministry of Rural Environment confirmed to the council that it will become a buffer zone, which allows the planting of this food

The Ministry of Rural Environment confirmed this Monday that the municipality of Trabada  will go from being an area infested with Tecia solanivora Povolny ( Guatemalan potato moth ) to a buffer zone, thus lifting the ban on growing potatoes in the municipality. This resolution was announced in the Official Journal of Galicia and allows planting this food as long as a responsible communication of planting is submitted before April 1.

The mayor of Trabada, Rubén García Freije, insisted on this term of responsible communication: "It is essential that the residents of the Trabada parish submit responsible communication before April 1 to guarantee that the plantations are grown in a controlled manner, protecting "Our agricultural production is the sustainability of the sector," he commented.

These types of measures are taken to monitor the plague, which is still ongoing, so the relevant surveillance and control measures will be maintained with the ultimate goal of controlling this plague and moving towards its total eradication.

The model for responsible communication can be collected or presented at the registry of the Council, at the regional agricultural office or at any of the registries established by the regulations. However, in the rest of the parishes of the Mariñano council, the planting of potatoes can be done freely.


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