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 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 12/01/2025

Bélgica: The country famous for its fries records the lowest potato yield per hectare in 5 years

Belgium is one of the leaders in the potato sector. However, its farmers, like Polish producers and processors, face many challenges.

Access to high-quality seed potatoes, a decreasing choice of plant protection products and rising storage costs are just some of the problems. What elements make production the most difficult? How is Belgium coping with market problems and other challenges? 

Will the leader of potato processing remain at the top?

Belgium, as reported by Boeren Bond , remains the leader in the potato sector – the country has become the world’s largest exporter of frozen potatoes. With production exceeding 4 million tons of potatoes in 2023, it processed over 6 million tons (processors also import tubers from outside the country). Potato production there is strongly focused on export, which last year amounted to 3.5 million tons. Despite such high production and larger areas of cultivation, producers face many problems.

Larger area and the lowest yield per hectare in 5 years

Data published by the Viaverda research institute indicate an increase in the potato cultivation area in 2024 by 5.8%, or 5,540 ha (the total potato cultivation area in Belgium is around 100,000 ha). With an average yield of 42.8 tons per hectare, the national average is 7% lower than in 2023. This is the lowest result per hectare in five years. What could be the reason for such low harvests?

The extended planting period into June, due to heavy rains, reduced the number of growing days. And while rainfall in October and November was mostly adequate, it was another difficult period for many companies. The short growing season meant that not all plantations were ready for harvest, and many growers were reluctant to delay, with a rainy 2023 harvest in mind.

Rising costs

Low yields due to unfavourable weather conditions are a big problem, but the second part of the challenge is just beginning. Long-term storage is an equally big and cost-intensive ordeal, especially after a difficult growing year. Data from the North-West European Potato Growers Association (from Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany) indicate that production costs in 2024 will be higher by an average of €1,000 per hectare than in the previous year. The reasons for the increase include not only storage, but also the additional costs of harvesting seed potatoes and combating diseases.

Reduced availability of seed potatoes

In the current season, it was not only the quality of seed potatoes that was a problem. Their availability was also insufficient. The area under seed potatoes did not increase in parallel with the area under potatoes. Compared to 2022, the area under seed potatoes in NEPG countries decreased by 7%. In addition to the decreasing area, low yields and insufficient quality mean that the availability of high-quality seed potatoes is limited. Unfortunately, this situation can contribute to the use of unsuitable, "alternative" sources.

Complicated Regulations – The Political Background of Potato Growing

In addition to the difficulties associated with cultivation and storage, Belgian political decisions have also caused some controversy. From complicated regulations regarding the cultivation of seed potatoes to the withdrawal of plant protection products from the market, without any certainty that sufficient alternatives exist.

Is France taking over some of the production itself?

The global demand for potato products is growing. However, according to Boeren Bond, it is not Belgium but northern France that is increasingly chosen as the location for new production plants. Agristo, Clarebout and Ecofrost are building new factories there. The reasons for this situation may be the availability of labour and potatoes, as well as the complicated Flemish regulations for obtaining a permit. In Belgium, the limit of potato areas has almost been reached, and in northern France processors still see potential.

Market – transparent contract price for potatoes

The market price, and therefore the contract price of potatoes, is also a factor in the sector. For the past two years, the Belgian Competition Authority has been holding discussions on the potato price quotations. As a result, the necessary changes have been made to enable more transparent weekly price reporting.


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