Lunes 9 de Diciembre de 2024
El portal de la papa en Argentina
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  • Intervalos nubososVilla DoloresCórdoba, Argentina
    15° - 28°
  • Intervalos nubososRosarioSanta Fe, Argentina
    14° - 27°
  • Intervalos nubosos con lluvias débilesEstacion UspallataMendoza, Argentina
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 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 30/11/2023

Europa: Delayed harvesting in the NEPG. Uncertainties about final production

Due to abundant rainfall, a lot of potatoes in the EU-4 have not yet been harvested. The lifting period was too short to get the potatoes stored in good conditions.

 Contracts for the upcoming season have to take higher rising risks and costs into account. Seed availability is an issue and concern for spring 2024.

After a moderate summer, potato yields were generally good. An average yield of 45,8 t/ha was achieved in the EU-4. This is an increase of 6,3 % compared with last year. Combined with increased hectarage, total production in the EU-4 is estimated at 23,6 million tonnes (22,9 Mt in 2021, a somewhat comparable year). For now, around 22,2 Mt appear to have been harvested. So there are about 1,4 Mt in the fields. NEPG does not speculate on how much will still be harvested, but part of the crop is lost for good.

Abundant rain

Poor weather conditions in October brought harvest activities to a halt after only 3 weeks. By mid November, up to 250 mm of rain was recorded regionally, resulting in flooding. Northern France, the western part of Belgium and coastal regions in Holland suffered most. Most of the areas remaining to be harvested are in Holland (15 %) and Belgium (11 %). The costs incurred (harvest, washing, drying and storing) are high.

2023 reminds us that potato production is getting more difficult, risky, expensive and stressful. The weather in late spring and early summer (i.e. dry and hot) was typically one of “climate change”. The abundant rains during late summer and autumn again showed typically what weather patterns are becoming.

Major concerns

Growers are worried about their unharvested acreage. Indeed, some potatoes cannot get out of the ground. Potatoes staying in anaerobic conditions can rotten. Those that will be harvested, will possibly face quality problems and eventually will not be stored. Some contracts will not be fulfilled.

Rising prices

The difficult harvesting conditions are obviously affecting the free market. After a short period of oversupply, we are now in a situation of lower availability. In a matter of weeks, the potato free buy potato prices on the free market rose from 8 € to 20 € per 100 kg. Demand for healthy, dry potatoes is high both for industry and export. The coming weeks will show how many potatoes can still be lifted. There may be a temporary supply of wet lots. But there is no reason that prices could go down in the longer term. Early delivery of contracts could even lead to shortages in the long run (spring 2024).

For more information:

Daniel Ryckmans

Tel: +32 081/61 06 56



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