Domingo 22 de Diciembre de 2024
El portal de la papa en Argentina
0%Variación precio
puestos MCBA
  • Intervalos nubosos con lluvias débilesBalcarceBuenos Aires, Argentina
    12° - 26°
  • Intervalos nubososVilla DoloresCórdoba, Argentina
    17° - 29°
  • Cielos despejadosRosarioSanta Fe, Argentina
    15° - 26°
  • Cielos despejadosEstacion UspallataMendoza, Argentina
    - 29°
  • Cielos despejadosCandelariaSan Luis, Argentina
    18° - 34°
  • Intervalos nubososChoele ChoelRío Negro, Argentina
    14° - 36°
  • Cielos nubosos con lluvias débilesSan Miguel de Tuc.Tucumán, Argentina
    20° - 29°
 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 05/07/2023

Austria: Negative trend continues for the third year in a row

The annual evaluation of the AMA - multiple application for production areas of domestic potatoes (organic & conv.) shows a nationwide area reduction of 4% in 2023 compared to the previous year.

 According to the MFA, 18,687 ha of potatoes are produced nationwide in Austria. 15,313 ha in conventional and 3,374 ha in organic cultivation. Conventionally cultivated production areas decreased by 5% this year (- 735 ha). Organic potato areas were reduced by a total of 2% (-68 ha) compared to the previous year. The negative trend thus continues for the third year in a row.

The area losses extend across all directions of use (organic & conventional), with the exception of the contract areas of the starch industry, which were able to maintain the previous year’s level at +2%. The decline in 2023 was particularly striking for early potato areas. (- 21 % yoy.) In particular, the cultivation of organic early potatoes decreased significantly by almost one-third. The growth of recent years has slowed down, especially in Burgenland (-16% yoy, -50 ha).


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