Sábado 21 de Diciembre de 2024
El portal de la papa en Argentina
0%Variación precio
puestos MCBA
  • Cielos nubososBalcarceBuenos Aires, Argentina
    - 22°
  • Cielos nubosos con chubascos tormentososVilla DoloresCórdoba, Argentina
    18° - 27°
  • Cielos nubosos con lluvias débilesRosarioSanta Fe, Argentina
    18° - 25°
  • Intervalos nubosos con lluvias débilesEstacion UspallataMendoza, Argentina
    10° - 27°
  • Intervalos nubosos con chubascos tormentososCandelariaSan Luis, Argentina
    18° - 32°
  • Cielos despejadosChoele ChoelRío Negro, Argentina
    16° - 29°
  • Cielos nubosos con chubascos tormentososSan Miguel de Tuc.Tucumán, Argentina
    21° - 32°
 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 31/05/2024

Europa: Energy efficiency for a new potato production unit

Aviko, one of Europe’s largest potato processors, wanted to create a brandnew production unit that was, above all, energy efficient.

100 % Reuse of residual materials and water.

They turned to SPIE for its technical expertise and adaptability, confident after previous collaborations that its teams would integrate sustainability into the factory’s design, creation and commissioning.

Two operational units worked on the project, securing the medium- and lowvoltage distribution, ICT systems, fire detection and utilities for the site, which included the installation of lighting with sockets. SPIE’s teams also installed solar panels on the roof as well as a state-ofthe- art cold room. The project resulted in improved energy efficiency, a minimal loss of materials and a full reuse of residual materials and water.

Fuente: https://www.spie.com/en/news/energy-efficiency-new-potato-production-unit

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