Sábado 12 de Octubre de 2024
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  • Cielos nubosos con chubascos tormentososVilla DoloresCórdoba, Argentina
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  • Cielos nubosos con chubascos tormentososRosarioSanta Fe, Argentina
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  • Cielos cubiertosEstacion UspallataMendoza, Argentina
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  • Cielos nubosos con chubascos tormentososCandelariaSan Luis, Argentina
    15° - 23°
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  • Intervalos nubososSan Miguel de Tuc.Tucumán, Argentina
    13° - 27°
 Buscador de Noticias
Europa 27/03/2024

Nueva Zelanda: New Zealand planting and harvesting is done in such a way that there is year-round domestic supply

New Zealand will typically start planting potatoes in July to December with harvest running through 120 to 150 days after planting depending on the variety. This fluctuates depending on region and conditions. These days the country has a year-round

"Growing conditions were excellent this year, although a little dry in the South Island, but it should be a very good season for potatoes," explains Kate Trufitt CEO of Potatoes New Zealand.

"The North Island particularly has had difficult seasons the last few years, first drought and then very wet last year. It made it difficult to plant and then harvest, which affected the yield. However Canterbury had an excellent season with high yields, which assisted the short fall. This is the benefit of growing in different regions."

In New Zealand planting and harvesting is done in such a way that there is year-round domestic supply. Cool stores and technology have helped hold product year-round. This is a great example on how technology and technique changes can assist with supply to consumers.

"We believe there are 9,000 plus hectares of potatoes grown in New Zealand and possibly more this year with some growers who have not grown previously putting potatoes into their crop rotation. No fresh potatoes are imported into New Zealand, only fries and this is limited. There was an increase just following COVID when supplies in Europe were excessive and they needed to clear stock."

Potatoes New Zealand’s vision is ’End to end value create for potatoes in New Zealand’ and their purpose is to listen, enable and promote better outcomes for the New Zealand potato industry.

"We want to recognise the whole value chain and diverse needs of our sector. Our four key areas of focus are:

Leadership in the field

Growing practices

Future focused science, innovation and technologies

Biosecurity and crop protection

Growing great people

Pathways to support our young growers

Training opportunities for industry

Building sector capability

United Industry Voice

Strengthen advocacy

Strategic communications

Promotions of the wider potato story

Market intelligence

Working together

Trusted partnerships and collaboration

Industry engagement to reflect our diversity

Potatoes as part of the growing system

Internal/External leadership and management

Commodity Levy Referendum

"Commodity Levy is Potatoes New Zealand income from the growers, it is a not-for-profit organisation that works for good of the industry. As per our strategy we work for the whole Potato Industry from Seed through to Processors. The commodity levy is reviewed and voted on by growers every 6 years and our referendum is this year, with voting starting in April through to mid-May.

"Since I started in August last year, I have been engaging with growers to understand their needs and get a clear picture on how they expect and want Potatoes New Zealand to work for them. Our strategy reflects this engagement and now we are working on the priorities."

For more information:

Sheree Philips

Potatoes New Zealand



Fuente: https://www.freshplaza.com/europe/article/9610555/new-zealand-planting-and-harvesting-is-done-in-such-a-way-that-there-is-year-round-domestic-supply/

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