Sábado 21 de Diciembre de 2024
El portal de la papa en Argentina
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  • Cielos nubososBalcarceBuenos Aires, Argentina
    - 22°
  • Cielos nubosos con chubascos tormentososVilla DoloresCórdoba, Argentina
    18° - 27°
  • Cielos nubosos con lluvias débilesRosarioSanta Fe, Argentina
    18° - 24°
  • Intervalos nubosos con lluvias débilesEstacion UspallataMendoza, Argentina
    10° - 27°
  • Intervalos nubosos con chubascos tormentososCandelariaSan Luis, Argentina
    18° - 32°
  • Cielos despejadosChoele ChoelRío Negro, Argentina
    16° - 29°
  • Cielos nubosos con chubascos tormentososSan Miguel de Tuc.Tucumán, Argentina
    21° - 32°
 Buscador de Noticias
Argentina 03/03/2023

Argentina: Lamb Weston invests 250 million dollars in French fry factory

With an investment of 250 million dollars, American company Lamb Weston is building a giant potato processing plant.

The new factory is under construction in the Industrial Park of Mar del Plata; work started a year ago and is proceeding according to plan.

Gerardo Scheufler, general manager of Mexican supply chain for Lamb Weston, said he had discovered the “extraordinary competitive potential of potato production in Argentina. He thinks that the position is strategic, in a world that pays close attention to production processes and measures the carbon footprint in all the links in the chain, where transport plays a more relevant role.

In the production area adjacent to Mar del Plata, 50% of Argentine potatoes is produced, with high technological level and expertise on the part of the producers. “With this plant up and running, we will produce to serve 3 million servings of French fries a day worldwide”.

The new Lamb Weston plant will be operational from June 2024.

Fuente: https://www.freshplaza.com/asia/article/9506669/lamb-weston-invests-250-million-dollars-in-french-fry-factory/

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