Latam 24/01/2025
Brazil: Potato prices in wholesale markets remain stable
The price variation in RJ was less than 1%

This week (20-24/01), the average price of the special Agate potato registered little variation, since the volume offered in the current period was similar to the previous one. The wholesale average in São Paulo (SP) was R$ 52.87/sc of 25 kg, with an increase of 2.18% compared to the previous week; R$ 47.93/sc in Belo Horizonte (MG), down 2.32%, and R$ 52.09/sc in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), up 0.63%. The slight increase in wholesale prices in São Paulo is a reflection of the rains that made the harvest a little more difficult over the weekend in Paraná, which consequently reduced the supply a little at the beginning of the week.